domingo, 30 de outubro de 2016

Temple of the Rest (Post 3)

I finished this amazing art and it was so funny and lovely to work. Probably the scenario I enjoyed the most to work.
While I was doing the turntable I loved and thought that this scenario would make a lovely short film, so who knows... someday I could put a character and animate it...
And I WILL print it because is so cuuuute *-*

Concept by Slawek Fedorczuk

Watch the work at artstation:

quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2016

Dwarven Tavern (Post 2)

Hello guys, I finally finished this work. It took me around 2months and probably almost a whole month only to open the 700 uvs and organize those.
I know the metal textures are not working perfectly and are too clean, but I couldn't work more at this work, I was starting to not enjoy it because of several erros that happened at this environment. 
In the end I fixed all the erros, but it exhausted me and I called an end hahahah
I tried to put the textures at the
SO, this is how it went:

Watch the work at artstation:

sábado, 22 de outubro de 2016

Flying House - Work in Progress (Post 1)

This is a simple modelling that I'm making at 3ds max with the idea to learn more about the blizzard artstyle, in this case the Pandaria style from WoW. I have to tell that working on a full model basic 90% of cylinders is interesting, and make you learn a lot about creating the most low poly model and still, making it pretty and not to square.
I started it in the beginning of the week and hope to finish until the end of the month, because the modelling is simple, the uvs are already opened and the texture could start any moment. 
In the render the modelling is not ready, because I can't render it from my cell phone where I'm right now hahaha

Reference and Render:

Watch my other works:

Temple of the Rest - Work in Progress (Post 2)

I've been texturing the scenario, now it's only missing one uv to texture and it's the plants and rocks.
Until the end of the month, I'll finish it and the Dwarven Tavern scenario, with the new one I started too (Flying House).



Watch my other works:

The Last Hope - Work in Progress ( Post 1)

Hey guys, so as you know, I'm a big fan of Blizzard's games universe and this month the 2016's Art Contest started. With that I've began my environment work and I have to draw my own concept, but as you guys can see below, I dont domain the art of drawing :(
So I've made a little workflow. Draw a concept, block it on 3DS Max and redraw the concept. With time I'll keep updating it here, to show how it's going on.

Gorgeous concept:

Watch my other works: