sábado, 21 de janeiro de 2017

DemoReel of Modelling, Texturing and Lightning

I finally finished my Demo Reel and there you go guys:

You can see all the artworks at my Artstation account and use the Marmoset Viewer too at: 

Pandaria's Last Hope (Post 2) UPDATE

After I finished the scenario, I showed to some professionals and they said the light wasn't too good. I decide to try the lights to the night time, and the final render become waaaaaay better :)

Find the full work at: https://www.artstation.com/artist/asgqg/

sexta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2017

Flying House (Post 2)

While studying few arts of Mists of Pandaria, I found this baloon concept in the artbook and decided to model and texture it.

I really enjoyed the handpaint practise, and the study of it will help a lot, for the blizzard environment contest that I will participate too.

Final Work

To see the full work go to: https://www.artstation.com/artist/asgqg

Pandaria's Last Hope (Post 1)

This is a scenario I made for the Blizzard Art Contest Student 2016, I had to create my own concept and the environment should at least have tree, stones, grass and a small structure. I made in 20 days and it has around 90k polygons but without the tress it has around 43k faces.

The history behind it happens on Vale of Eternal Blossoms after the Heart of Y'Shaarj. The island is alive because the August Celestials are protecting the life there, that's why the animals have 4 textures, characterizing each Celestial.

Find the full work on: https://www.artstation.com/artist/asgqg/

quarta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2017

Bioshock Corridor - Work In Progress (Post 1)

I'm a huge fan of the Bioshock's games. I decide to make some fan art of it, later I discovered this was the background from the game's poster. I wanna make it really slow to make it more perfect as possible. I even modelled a little sister gun. While that is like this: